Prasanta Chakravarty_____________________ It is quite agonizing when one fails to find a close enough word or phrase to convey certain words in the English language. In Bangla, once such cluster...
Ronojoy Sircar This screen is space. Moving in and out of this space, are these words as they are being written/read right here and now. These words form a direction. Not just a path...
Srirupa Prasad The news of Ajmal Kasab’s execution was sudden. Like everyone, I too was stunned. Despite my being aware of the obvious. But what disturbed me deeply was the affective spectacle that...
Thomas Müntzer (spring 1525) On False And Unlimited Power, Which One Is Not Obliged To Obey. All the popes, emperors, kings, etc. who puff themselves up in...
Sumana Roy ‘Since 1979, we have been celebrating Kali Puja in our house. But there is a history behind this tradition. … One of my brothers was born on a new moon night on Kali Puja so he was...
Geeta Patel Miraji was a consummate poet of the streets, someone whose life was made replete through the journeys he took. Mehr Farooqi’s many eloquent portrait in the newspaper Dawn brings him...
Avishek Parui — When a 45-year old man with a beautiful wife and two teenaged kids still needs to watch gruesome violent videos all by himself every damn night to sleep well, you know there’s a...
Spencer A. Leonard with Kevin Anderson Last summer, Spencer A. Leonard interviewed Kevin Anderson, author of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism(1995) and Marx at the Margins (2010). The interview was...
15 June, 1964 313 South Capital Iowa City, Iowa U.S.A Sandipan, Right now I am resting beneath a largish tree on the bank of this river. Windy it is. And 5 dozen cans of beer...
Prasanta Chakravarty I remember a bearded, unkempt middle aged character, presumably not from the neighbourhood, who would be a permanent fixture at various seminars held within Jadavpur University...
Ashim ‘Kaka’ Chatterjee Tuesdays with Morrie disturbed me. This book disturbed me a lot. The story of Professor Morrie Schwartz is distinctive. There is not much of action here. Not too...