Humanities Underground

Hereafter the Bitterness

Prasanta Chakravarty_____________________ It is quite agonizing when one fails to find a close enough word or phrase to convey certain words in the English language. In Bangla, once such cluster...

Fault Lines of Settled Domesticity

Shirshendu Chakrabarti Between Nashtaneer (1901) and Dui Bon (1933) or Malancha (1934), there is a gap of more than three decades and the reader may find it rather odd that they have been included for...

The Modalities of ‘Coming Out’

T.P. Sabitha   I propose to look at the dynamics of the production of two kinds of subjects, the autobiographical and the fictional, and attempt to see how a gay identity informs and transforms the...

Beyond Violence

Srimati Basu “How am I going to manage without you?” my maternal grandmother Pata wailed at the viewing of her husband’s recently deceased body. As a precocious and carefully inscrutable 12-year-old...

On The Poverty of Student Life

 Mustapha Khayati   We might very well say, and no one will disgaree with us, that the student is the most universally despised creature in France, apart from the priest and the policeman. Naturally...

Dread Not Rasta

                                                                                    Richard C. Salter   The dusty street into St. Thomas, a medium-sized coastal village in the eastern Caribbean island...

The Dead Body

Manindra Gupta  (Trans. Abu Hossain) The fable of the Brahmin and the Brahmani used to be an amalgamation of the mythical and the folk. The duo lives in that hutment right at the yonder corner of the...

Science & Fiction

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay What is science fiction and what can the genre give us that other genres cannot? This, of course, is to assume that science fiction is a ‘genre’ – something that has been...

And How Are You?

Arunava Sinha By Buddhadeva Bose (translated from Bengali) Sometimes I want to know how you are. When I go to sleep, when I wake up, when I drive at ninety miles an hour, when the weight of time...

Of Newspapers and Governments

Malarvizhi Jayanth The memoirs of a former journalist who is using the Wikileaks context to settle old scores Once upon an election, the ruling party was bullying and booth-capturing recklessly. I was...

Cordial Old Mates: Adorno-Marcuse Exchanges

Correspondence on the German Student Movement Theodor Adorno/Herbert Marcuse Prof. Dr. Theodor W. Adorno 6 Frankfurt am Main Kettenhofweg 123 14 February 1969 Dear Herbert I wrote to you on 24 January...
