No More Flat Feet
Serge Berna, Jean-Louis Brau, Guy-Ernest Debord & Gil J. Wolman Internationale Lettriste #1 (November 1952) _________________________________________ Sub Mack Sennett director, sub-Max Linder actor, Stavisky of the tears of unwed mothers and the little orphans of Auteuil, you are Chaplin, emotional blackmailer, master-singer of misfortune. The cameraman needed his Delly. It’s only to him that you’ve given your works, and your good works: your charities. Because you’ve identified yourself with the weak and the oppressed, to attack you has been to attack the weak and oppressed — but in the shadow of your rattan cane some could already see the nightstick of a cop. You are “he-who-turns-the-other-cheek” — the other cheek of the buttock — but for us, the young and beautiful, the only answer to suffering is revolution. We don’t buy the “absurd persecutions” that make you out as the victim, you flat-footed Max de Veuzit. In France the Immigration Service calls itself the Advertising Agency. The sort of press conference you gave at Cherbourg could offer no more than a piece of tripe. You have nothing to fear from the success of Limelight. Go to sleep, you fascist insect. Rake in the dough. Make it with high society (we loved it when you crawled on your stomach in front of little Elizabeth). Have a quick death: we promise you a first-class funeral. We pray that your latest film will truly be your last. The fires of the kleig lights have melted the makeup of the so-called brilliant mime — and exposed the sinister and compromised old man. Go home, Mister Chaplin. _________________ Translated by Sophie Rosenberg
Gathering Shadows, Shamsher Bahadur Singh
Lakshmidhar Malviya (Gathering Shadows, Shamsher Bahadur Singh. Years covered: 1961-1975) __________________________________________________ ईमान गड़बड़ी में है दिल के हिसाब में लिक्खा हुआ कुछ और मिला है किताब में (Top Floor, Just Fit, 1961) *** कठिन प्रस्तर में अगिन सूराख। मौन पर्तों में हिला मैं कीट। (Shamsher, the tenant, peeping: barsati above Just Fit Tailors, Allahabad, 1961] *** आज फिर काम से लौटा हूँ बड़ी रात गए ताक़ पर ही मेरे हिस्से की धरी है शायद (Just Fit Tailors, Bahadurganj, Allahabad, 1961 ) *** उसे बदलियों में भी पहचान लोगे कि उस चांद-से मुँह पे’ हाला पड़ा पड़ा है वो जुल्फ़ों में सब कुछ छुपाए हुए हैं अंधेरा लपेटे उजाला पड़ा है (Premlata Verma and Shamsher, 1961) *** मेरी बाँसुरी है एक नाव की पतवार – जिसके स्वर गीले हो गये हैं, छप्-छप्-छप् मेरा हृदय कर रहा है… छप् छप् छप्व (Neighbourhood, Just Fit, 1961) *** तू मेरे एकान्त का एकान्त है मैं समझता था कि मेरा तू नहीं । (Shamsher, Sketch : Malayaj, 1961) *** जी को लगती है तेरी बात खरी है शायद वही शमशेर मुज़फ़्फ़रनगरी है शायद (Allahabad, 1962) *** सूरज उगाया जाता फूलों में: यदि हम एक साथ हँस पड़ते। (With Shrimati and Shri Naresh Mehta, their year old son Babul, an unnamed person and Shamsher, 1961) *** वरूणा के किनारे एक चक्रस्तूप है शायद वहीं विश्व का केंद्र है वहीं कहीं ऐसा सुनते हैं। (Sarnath: the dharmshala where Shamsher often lived during the first half of the 1960s) *** मैं समाज तो नहीं; न मैं कुल जीवन; कण-समूह में हूँ मैं केवल एक कण । (Delhi, 1971) *** दिल्ली बस-स्टैंड से ही कार्ड मिला था मुझको। काश फिर लिखते – ‘वही है जो गिला था मुझको1।’ ताकि हम कहते कि ‘है जुल्म सरासर अब तो!’ (Delhi, 1971) *** काल, तुझसे होड़ है मेरी: अपराजित तू- तुझमें अपराजित मैं वास करूं । (Delhi, 1961) *** कहाँ है वो किताबें, दीवारें, चेहरे, वो बादलों की इन्द्रधनुषाकार लहरीली लाल हँसियाँ कहाँ है ? (Delhi 1971) *** हम अपने खयाल को सनम समझे थे, अपने को खयाल से भी कम समझे थे! होना था- समझना न था कुछ भी, शमशेर, होना भी कहाँ था वह जो हम समझे थे! (Delhi, 1971) *** वाम वाम वाम दिशा, समय साम्यवादी। (With dear friend Mugisuddin Faridi and Shobha Singh, Delhi 1971) *** एक नीला आईना बेठोस-सी यह चाँदनी और अंदर चल रहा हूँ मैं उसी के महातल के मौन में । (Delhi, 1975) *** [This set of photographs were first published in Jalsa, 2011. HUG is grateful to Asad Zaidi for making the volume available.]
The New Between Past and Future: The Question of Method in the Humanities II (Video Clips)
Dear HUG Readers: Here are the youtube links to the video clips of the forum (second & final in the series) on ‘The New Between Past and Future: The Question of Method in the Humanities II’ —a collaboration between MargHumanities and the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study, JNU, (April 13, 2015). —————————- Speakers: Milind Wakankar (IIT, Delhi) , Rakesh Pandey (CSDS, New Delhi), Achia Anzi (Artist and SL, JNU) , Asad Zaidi (Poet and Three Essays Collective) Moderator: Prasanta Chakravarty (Delhi University) The proceedings of the forum have been broken into 11 clips. All the clips are live on this page. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. ——————————————-
Boundaries and Porosities: The Question of Method in the Humanities (Video Links)
Dear HUG Readers: Here are the freshly uploaded youtube links to the video clips of the first forum on ‘Boundaries and Porosities: The Question of Method in the Humanities’ —a collaboration between MargHumanities and the Department of History, Delhi University (April 6, 2015). —————————- Speakers: Satish Deshpande, Tista Bagchi and Soumyabrata Chowdhury Moderator: Prasanta Chakravarty The proceedings of the forum have been broken into 12 clips. The clips are not live on this page. So, you have to copy paste individual links to another window in order to view the proceedings. ——————————————- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. _____________